Cargo Transport System is a service oriented freight forwarding company.

We focus on every aspect of your business in order to deliver the best results. We’ve been building unique freight forwarding solutions for the past 30 years.

Each of our endeavors is guided by a strong sense of understanding and passion for the Industry. We strive to create meaning and value for our customers. We are a team of experts and professionals from many backgrounds with a shared desire to help make your experience better by focusing on you, not the bottom line.

We know how to work with your suppliers and customers to ensure your goods arrive on-time and in good order.

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International Ocean

A fully licensed NVOCC and freight forwarder working hard for the perfect shipment; on-time, claim free, and at a competitive cost.

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International Air

Dedicated support teams strengthen your global supply chain with consistent, efficient processes, competitive costs and global visibility for your international air freight.

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Rate Negotiation

CTS pricing expertise and analytic rate technologies generate savings. Simply put, we know how to reduce shipping costs.

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Forward Thinking

With extensive experience, CTS understands how to analyze the market, organize transactions, and streamline the process.

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Problem Resolution

With unparalleled experience in international logistics, we apply a unique perspective to your situation. Strengthen your international footprint with our expertise.

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Customer Support

This is our top priority at CTS, from beginning to end. First class service dedicated to resolving any supply chain complication.


A quarterly collection of the best in international logistics. Timely, informative, forward looking.